Browse our vast range of quality headstones or arrange memorial masonry services in Porth and across the UK. Whether adding a name to an existing stone or arranging a new installation to your unique specifications, we can support you. We employ a team of dedicated and compassionate memorials masons, who have honed their crafting skills over many decades. You have many styles, designs and variations to choose from, and we have various brochures and additional information available on request. you can also protect your memorial with all risk insurance policies and Grave Care maintenance services. Contact us to find out more or browse or digital catalogues.
Once you have selected your stone and any ornaments to accompany it you may wish to explore design and inscription options. We have over 8000+ beautifully depicted images and carvings to choose from. Also, our in-house artists can consult with you on bespoke creations tailored to your wishes. Our supportive team can help you with wording and selecting the best lettering styles to complement the memorial material. You can also browse our catalogues for inspiration.
For more information regarding our memorial masonry services in Porth, or to discuss your requirements, contact us today.
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Each member of our knowledgeable staff has years of experience working with highest quality stone. We provide a variety of memorials, including bespoke memorials created to fit your requirements.
The highest quality materials are used to create our headstones, which can also be uniquely customised with inscriptions.
Our accessory collections, which include vases, ornaments, and figurines, are the perfect finishing touch.