Our headstones are made from the finest materials and can be specially personalised with inscriptions.
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Cemeteries and churchyards generally have regulations dictating the kinds of memorials they will permit, and sometimes the inscriptions and ornamentation too. These rules vary from place to place and must be checked before you make your choice. Once established, we can help you create a stone that meets your needs while adhering to the requirements of your chosen resting place.
Upon ordering your headstone you will need to pay a 50% deposit, as well as any cemetery or churchyard fees. The balance will then be payable within 30 days of final completion.
We will show you a full colour proof of your new headstone design before we begin crafting. In advance of signing off on your order, it is imperative that you check over the proof thoroughly, making sure the wording, spellings and dates are correct. Any changes you need should then be confirmed straight away, in writing. Please note: Unless you give explicit written instructions to the contrary, the layout of the inscription will be left to the letter carver.
Please do not sign the proof until you are 100% happy, as once signed changes are chargeable. We cannot take responsibility for any errors that were confirmed on the proof and any rectification would be at your own expense.
The availability of the materials, the complexity of design and the condition of the ground will affect the time the memorial will take to complete. We will communication with you on estimated timeframes throughout the process so you are always informed.
*Please be aware that production will not start until we receive a signed proof and permit.
There are many variations and combinations that make up a bespoke memorial. Typically, our four most popular types of headstones are:
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Each member of our knowledgeable staff has years of experience working with highest quality stone. We provide a variety of memorials, including bespoke memorials created to fit your requirements.
The highest quality materials are used to create our headstones, which can also be uniquely customised with inscriptions.
Our accessory collections, which include vases, ornaments, and figurines, are the perfect finishing touch.